Monday, May 9, 2011

We, The Pizza
305 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003

Cheap, simple, fun, philanthropic, and yummy, Spike Mendelsohn of Good Stuff Eatery and a Top-Chef contestant opened We, The Pizza, well, for everybody.  This small joint serves up gourmet pizza by the slice or the pie, ranging from Simple Cheese to Roasted Potato and Pancetta.  Katy and I stopped by to grab lunch after a short walk from the Library of Congress to find the delectable pizzas on display for our choosing.   With our slices and beers in hand, we topped them with red pepper flakes and headed upstairs to enjoy.  We shared slices of For The Greeks In Us and Sausage And Peppers which were both greasy and flavorful. We, The Pizza recharged us as we threw away our paper plates and continued to our next destination.

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